McDonald’s outnumbers BK restaurants 2-to-1 in the U.S. So, in the spirit of Burger King’s challenger mentality, we didn’t just do a promo. Nor did we simply troll McDonald’s. We turned our biggest competitor’s advantage into our own, inviting consumers to order a 1-cent Whopper that could only be ordered “at” McDonald’s through the new BK App.
To do this, we geofenced 14,000 McDonald’s stores nationwide. If a user was within 600 ft. of a McDonald’s, the App unlocked the promotion, and once the order was placed, the app then navigated them to the nearest BK for pickup.
Outnumbered 2-to-1 in the US, and late to the market with mobile ordering, Burger King needed a bold idea to steal customers from it's biggest competitor. So we decided to create an offer directly for people who are at their biggest competitors location: a 1-cent Whopper that only unlocked if customers were 600 ft of one of the 14,000+ McDonald’s restaurants in the US.
ACD, Copy: Laszlo Szloboda
ACD, Art: Akos Papp, Alex Sprouse
ECD: Gabriel Schmitt
CCO: Ari Halper
FCB NY, 2018
Director: Jonathan Klein
Production Company: O-Positive